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The Year In Review...2016-2017


What an amazing year we have had for the 2016-2017 Season. We had a fantastic year of classes with many guest teachers. We were very lucky to host Lauren Renck, a NYC Rockette, for our own Broadway workshop. Mrs. Nicole Gait choreographed a show stopping number for our "Holiday Spectacular" performance. This was our first Holiday themed performance not named "The Nutcracker" and we received great feedback and support from the Cazenovia Community. Our performance was such a fun experience for all involved that we are already working on the new show for this upcoming Holiday Season. Our Competition team was outstanding with winning numbers and special Judges awards. Miss Caira and the dancers really are the example that hard work does pay off. Spring Peformance 21 is in the books. There were first time performances from our 3yr olds and we bid farewell to four of our Senior dancers, Liz, Rebekah, Mairin, and McKinley. So now, we are getting ready for Summer and our exciting line up of classes. Many events are in the works for 2017-2018.....I can't wait! Keep stretching......

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